
Radosław Krzyżowski
A graduate of the Acting Department of the Ludwik Solski Academy for the Dramatic Arts in Kraków /1994/
1 September 1994 – 31 August 1998 – The Juliusz Słowacki Theatre, Kraków
1 September 1998 – 31 August 2003 – The Stary Theatre, Kraków
1 September 2003 – 31 October 2015 – The Juliusz Słowacki Theatre, Kraków
15 October 2015 – The National Stary Theatre, Kraków
As the Mountain Man from India, who dug through a mountain, and the man who “invented fire”, Radosław Krzyżowski effectively raises the spirits of the audiences who come to watch “Triumph of the Will” – a play with a positive message, by Strzępka/Demirski duo, which premiered on New Year’s Eve 2016/2017.
Krzyżowski is an actor with a strong personality, and a perfectionist with a vivid imagination. He has played dozens of outstanding roles, such as Hamlet in Krzysztof Jasiński’s “Hamlet” (STU Theatre), for which he received numerous awards. Years later, he played the role of Claudius in this same production, and was the first actor to receive the Stanisław Wyspiański Award for his artistic achievements. During the first five seasons at the Stary Theatre (the years 1998–2003), he played several interesting roles in such plays as Krystian Lupa’s “The Sleepwalkers II”, Tadeusz Bradecki’s “The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui”, Remigiusz Brzyk’s “The Cherry Orchard” and Jerzy Jarocki’s “Act Three”, based on Witkacy’s “The Shoemakers”. For his role of the Apprentice in this play, he received an award at the theatre festival in Opole. For years, Krzyżowski worked with the Słowacki Theatre in Kraków, and also collaborated with STU Theatre, Łaźnia Nowa and the Polish Theatre in Warsaw. At the Słowacki Theatre, he played many outstanding roles, for example in Barbara Sass’s “The Magic Mountain”: ‘Amazing Cousin Joachim. It’s perhaps in him that life and death are the most strongly intertwined. In Krzyżowski’s stance and strong voice, there’s a firmness and passion for military drills. Later, this body practically falls apart right before our eyes. It’s a great victory for this actor’. He also received excellent reviews for his roles of Arbenin in “Masquerade”, directed by Nikołaj Kolada, and Rogozhin in “The Idiot”, directed by Barbara Sass. He returned to the Stary Theatre in 2015 with the excellent role of Mayor Peter Stockmann in Henrik Ibsen’s “An Enemy of the People”, directed by Jan Klata – well-balanced, restrained and posing a strong contrast to the domineeringly and maniacally declared arguments of his onstage brother – Doctor Thomas Stockmann.
2012 – S. Wyspiański Award
2003 – 28th Opole Theater Confrontations – acting award for the role of Journeyman I in “Act Three, Based on The Shoemakers” by S. I. Witkiewicz, dir. J. Jarocki
2001 – City of Krakow creative scholarship
2012 – Gloria Artis Medal of Merit to Culture
In the Theatre
In the repertoire
- Attack on the National Stary Theatre
- Yoga
- Boa
- Orlando. Bloomsbury
- Halka
- Jeńczyna (Captiveal)
- The Kingdom
- A Year of Everyday Life in Central Eastern Europe
- The Wedding - Groom
- The Shoemakers - Princess Irina Wsiewołodowna Zbereźnicka-Podberezka
- Triumph of the Will - DASHRATH MANJHI – ‘MOUNTAIN MAN’ / BAD WOLF 2
- An Enemy of the People - Mayor Peter Stockmann
- Art of Living
- Ms Citizen Kane
- Masara
- The Old Woman Broods - LEKARZ, STRÓŻ PORZĄDKU - **