
Lidia Duda
A graduate of the Acting Department of the Ludwik Solski Academy for the Dramatic Arts in Kraków /1983/
1 September 1981 – 31 August 1984 – The Stefan Jaracz Theatre, Łódź
1 September 1984 – The Stary Theatre, Kraków
Lidia Duda is a thin, ethereal brunette who has played several dozen roles in productions by such directors as Andrzej Wajda, Jerzy Grzegorzewski, Filip Bajon, Tadeusz Bradecki and Mikołaj Grabowski. Her understanding of theatre has been formed, to a great extent, by her work with Krystian Lupa – in “The Brothers Karamazov”, “The Sleepwalkers”, “Malte”, or the “Triptych of the Prodigal Son” and “The Master and Margarita”. Lidia Duda has shown that she is an artist open to theatrical experiments. She played the ambiguous character of Mary Regan in the play “The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch”, directed by Jan Klata. One of her brave undertakings is the project “A Matter of Victory”, written by Pilgrim/Majewski, which she performs in various non-theatrical spaces (deserted flats, the cellar of the Stary Theatre and many other places). This modestly-staged monodrama about left-wing utopias and crimes of the 20th century makes audience members cry with laughter, often terrifies them, and, above all – provokes thought. Duda has absolute control over the audiences, who are trapped with her in a small space, literally within a hand’s reach. She has displayed undoubted comedic talent in the roles of Grandmother and Aunt Malwinka, two warm, charming characters sustained in an atmosphere of nostalgic grotesque, in Tomasz Różycki’s “Twelve Stations”, directed by Eva Rysova. Her character of Łykaczewska in the popular play “The Drunks” by Franciszek Bohomolec, directed by Barbara Wysocka – beautifully depicted with a farcical flair, but without any superfluous force – contributed to the success of this play, which has been performed for many years.
2007 – Nagroda Rektora PWST w Krakowie
In the Theatre
In the repertoire
- Polish dreams / Les rêves polonais
- The Hearing Trumpet
- The Drunks - ŁYKACZEWSKA
- The Boy is Coming
- Masara - **
- Dumanowski Side A and Side B