
Juliusz Chrząstowski
A graduate of the Ludwik Solski Academy for the Dramatic Arts – the Acting Department in Wrocław /1996/
10 September 1996 – 31 August 1997 – The Adam Mickiewicz Theatre, Częstochowa
1 September 1997 – 30 April 1998 – The Studyjny Theatre, Łódź
1 May 1998 – 31 August 2003 – The New Theatre, Łódź
1 September 2003 – The National Stary Theatre , Kraków
Juliusz Chrząstowski has acted in over 30 extremely vivid roles at the Stary Theatre, such as daring Ram Gerszon in “The Tovianists, Kings of the Clouds”, the egotistical Henryk Zaręba in “The Gorgonowa Affair” by the Janiczak/Rubin duo and Orcio in the Demirski/Strzępka duo’s “The Undivine Comedy: I’M GONNA TELL GOD EVERYTHING”. For the latter character, daringly balanced on the borderline between pathos and parody, Chrząstowski received the prestigious Zelwerowicz Award (2015). This actor, who possesses a rich personality and inherent vis comica, has played memorable characters: the envoy of the Captain in Zadara’s “The Dismissal of the Greek Envoys”, Pijakiewicz in Barbara Wysocka’s “The Drunks” and Broniewski in Strzępka’s “The Battle of Warsaw 1920”. He has played strong, technically perfect roles in plays directed by Jan Klata. In “Trilogy”, as Onufry Zagłoba, he often stole the show from his partners, and he controlled the audience’s emotions expertly in “The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch”, “Oresteia”, “The Secret Agent” and “The Wedding of Count Orgaz”. In Ibsen’s “An Enemy of the People”, Chrząstowski and Radosław Krzyżowski created the brilliant duo of the Stockmann brothers, locked in a fundamental difference of temperaments and viewpoints: ‘The conflict between the doctor (Juliusz Chrząstowski) and his brother, the mayor (Radosław Krzyżowski), is a clash not only between points of view, but also types of people: a middle-aged hipster (seemingly sloppy in appearance, but with a great deal of effort put into his well-matched accessories) and a civil servant (…), the former changes from scene to scene, sometimes impressive in his obstinacy to declare the truth, and funny in his desire to become famous as the town’s saviour’, stated Olga Katafiasz (
2015 – S. Wyspiański Award
2015 – A. Zelwerowicz Award
2014 – 54th Kalisz Theater Gatherings – acting award for the role of Władysław Broniewski in “Battle of Warsaw 1920” by P. Demirski, dir. M. Strzępka
2010 – 50th Kalisz Theater Gatherings – acting award for the role of Onufry Zagłoba in “Trilogy,” dir. J. Klata
2010 – 5th Polish Competition for Staging Historical Works of European Literature – mentions for his role as Pijakiewicz in F. Bohomolec’s “The Drunks,” dir. B. Wysocka
2007 – 32nd Opole Theater Confrontations – Polish Classics 2007 – acting award for the role of the Pharisees’ Envoy/Mayor in “The Dismissal of the Greek Envoys” by Jan Kochanowski, dir. M. Zadara
2015 – Bronze Gloria Artis Medal for Merit to Culture
In the Theatre
In the repertoire
- Scenes from a Marriage
- My Brilliant Friend
- Salome
- The Arians - **
- Jeńczyna (Captiveal)
- A Year of Everyday Life in Central Eastern Europe - *
- The Wedding - Host
- Triumph of the Will - PROUD AND FURIOUS
- The Drunks - PIJAKIEWICZ
- The Trilogy - ONUFRY ZAGŁOBA
- An Enemy of the People - Doctor Tomas Stockmann
- The Boy is Coming
- Dumanowski Side A and Side B
- The Battle of Warsaw 1920 - WŁADYSŁAW BRONIEWSK
- The Gorgonowa Affair - HENRYK ZAREMBA
- Oresteia - Aigistos