
Michał Szlaga: POLAND
17-30 September 2017
MICET / Stary Teatr
Opening: 16 September, 5 p.m., free admission
Meeting with Michał Szlaga and Krzysztof Miękus
17 September, 4 p.m., free admission
The exhibition is a property of Instytut Fotografii Fort.
Entry fee is included in tickets for Stary Theatre shows and MICET tickets.
The show is an outcome of more than 15 years of Michał Szlaga’s work: thousands of photographs that record photographer’s travel through the eponymous space of Poland. Taken as the opportunity occured, these quick travel snaps record unexpected and unintended encounters and are spontanous images of reality. Despite their intended fragmentary and random nature, the project is very consistent aesthetically as, aside from being a documentary, it is photographer’s quest for beauty within the mundane.
Poland is a field for the battle between the old and the new, the grey and the colourful, the fake and the real. These photographs show how difficult it is to escape history in Poland. At the peripheries of the ubiquitous ugliness emerge the hot spots of a new life that pulsate with energy. This is ordinary yet often very good life; often defiant yet not forced.
Przemysław Gulda, Gazeta Wyborcza
Curator: Krzysztof Miękus