
Focus: Cinderella
26 March 2017, 17.00
Strefa BE, 1 Jagiellońska Street
Admission: free
What is so special about the oeuvre of Joël Pommerat, the French playwright who founded the Louis-Brouillard group, whose plays are often collective works modified and complemented throughout rehearsals, created in collaboration with the actors, stage designer, composer and lighting producer? What drives the incessant need to tackle his texts, to resort to the oeuvre addressed not just to veteran theatre goers but also young audiences, who view the reality differently and are drawn to other issues and problems? The director of the show, Anna Smolar, will try to answer those and other questions in a conversation with Dr Piotr Olkusz of the University of Lodz, an eminent expert on French dramaturgy and an editor in the foreign department of the Dialog monthly.
Introduction: Agata Dąbek
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Premiere of „The Haunted Manor” directed by Anna Obszańska
We are delighted to announce the premiere of "The Haunted Manor" directed by Anna Obszańska, happening on February 14th and 15th
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